

Name of the project:           Innovative Cross Border Tourism SMEs Cluster Project Acronym:                INNOTOURCLUST Project Duration:                24 months Programme Priority:          Strengthening the cross-border cooperation and competitiveness of SMEs Programme Priority Specific Objective: Enhance the framework conditions for the development of...


Name of the project:   BALKAN MED INTERREGIONAL INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM FOR MATURING AND MAINSTREAMING INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURIAL IDEAS IN AGRIFOOD SECTOR Acronym of the project:  AGROINNOECO Duration:  24 months (01.09.2017 – 31.08.2019)   PROGRAMME rationale:  Priority Axes 1: Entrepreneurship & Innovation T.O. 3: Enhancing the competitiveness...

INERRAnT – INterregional Ecosystem for entRepreneurship, ReseArch and Technology    

Programme Name:     INTERREG IPA CBC ITALY-ALBANIA-MONTENEGRO Project Title:   INERRAnT - INterregional Ecosystem for entRepreneurship, ReseArch and Technology Project Acronym: INERRAnT Duration:              24 months (15.03.2018 – 14.03.2020) Programme Objective: Strengthening the cross-border cooperation and competitiveness of SMEs Project Priority:...


Programme Name:  INTERREG IPA CBC ITALY-ALBANIA-MONTENEGRO Project Title:             High Specialized Technicians in Kets Project Acronym:     HISTEK Duration:                   24 months (03.04.2018 – 02.04.2020)   Programme Objective:  Strengthening the cross-border cooperation and competitiveness of SMEs Project Priority: HISTEK aims at enhancing...

DynaMob 2.0

Name of the project:             Dynamic MOBILITization 2.0 Acronym of the project:       #DynaMob 2.0 Duration:                                24 months (03.04.2018– 02.04.2020) PROGRAMME rationale:   Programme priority: Increasing cross accessibility, promoting sustainable transport service and facilities and improving public infrastructures Priority specific objective: 4.1 Increase...


Name of the project:             BIO-ECOnomy Research Driven Innovation Acronym of the project:       BIOECO-R.D.I Duration:                                24 months (01.01.2018– 31.12.2019) PROGRAMME rationale:   Programme priority: Innovative and smart region Priority specific objective: Support the development of a regional innovation system for the Adriatic-Ionian...


Name of the project:             ManuFactUring educaTion and training governance model for IndUstry 4.0 in the Adriatic‐Ionian aREa Acronym of the project:       FUTURE 4.0 Duration:                                24 months (01.01.2018– 31.12.2019) PROGRAMME rationale:   Programme priority: Innovative and smart region Priority specific objective: Support...


Programm: Adriatic-Ionian Programme INTERREG V-B Transnational 2014-2020 Project title: NETWORK'S SUPPORT FOR SMES IN THE NAUTICAL SECTOR OF THE ADRIATIC-IONIAN REGION Project acronym: ECO-NautiNET Period: 24 months (01.02.2018 - 31.01.2020) Project Objective: Project priority: 1) Innovative and smart region Programme priority specific objective: Support the development of...


 Name of the project: BALKAN IDEAS NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS        IN THE AGRO-FOOD SECTOR Acronym of the project:       BALKANET, Ref. Nr. /BMP1/1.2/2469/2017 Duration:                              24 months (09.2017 ÷ 09.2019) Priority Axis 1: Entrepreneurship &Innovation Thematic Objective 3: Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Specific...