Memberships in the Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry for 2024
To be as close as possible to each other on this long road, the Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry invites you to join it. The best way to be together is to lobby with one voice, and we have trusted you over the years.
What do we offer to Albanian and foreign entrepreneurs?
- Business representation with central and local government.
• Cooperation with the responsible institutions in the country (Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, AIDA, etc.) for the improvement of the business climate and the absorption of Foreign Direct investments.
• Promotion of Albanian business inside and outside the country, giving priority to the members of the Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
• Making direct contacts with business (B2B).
• Creation of partnerships between Chamber Members and serious foreign businesses that see Albania as an attractive place for their capital investments.
• Organization or co-organization with other institutions of forums and business missions, conferences, workshops, seminars and trainings.
• Legal assistance and consultancy in Albanian and European legislation regarding the quality of products and goods to be exported to European markets.
• Consultancy in applications for the registration of Albanian and foreign trademarks as well as invention patents, making changes to previous registrations, renewal of trademarks and keeping patents in force, registration of license contracts and transfer of ownership, filing of the request for international trademark registration, etc.
• Matching market demand with supply in the employment sector. (For this, in cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana, the Employment Center has been set up), for employment inside and outside Albania, especially for the young generation.
Membership allows you our assistance in facilitating the work of the enterprise in:
1. The establishment of a permanent constructive dialogue of lawmakers and legislators with representatives of the business community, which guarantees consultation with them in no less than 8 weeks, for any legal or administrative proposal with an impact on business
2. The elimination of arbitrary practices of handling the business image with double standards (guide prices for goods or wages, customs references and others similiar)
3. Guarantee of any business, winner of a public tender, payment within 30 days from the date of conclusion of the contract with the procuring public entity
4. Improvement of the VAT system, including both the use of its credit for the corresponding payment in the subsequent transaction, as well as for the repayment of the profit tax.
5. Extending the use of e-government, e-governance and e-procurement throughout the territory of the country, to inform and involve the public in general and business in particular as widely as possible
6. Putting the Administrative Court into operation as soon as possible
7 .Support in the establishment of a universal one-stop-shop near the Chambers of Commerce, with at least three counters of basic services: QKR, QKL, EG (Global Economy)
8. Having special funds for projects of the Chambers of Commerce and other agencies, addressed to the increase of management skills, export or import substitution and technological renewal of SMEs.
9. The introduction of ideas and knowledge about private entrepreneurship as a key competence in the curricula of pre-university education, in increasing the presence of business in the governing boards of secondary vocational schools.
For more information contact:
Tel: +355 45 800 931
Cell: +355 695169389