Enterprise Europe Network Services

Shërbimet e rrjetit Evropian të ndërmarrjeve

Enterprise Europe Network Services

The Enterprise Europe Network is the world’s largest support network for SMEs with international ambitions. They provide international business expertise with local knowledge across a range of targeted services, like partnership, advisory and innovation support. The network assist your businesses grow faster through tailored support, new commercial partnerships and access to finance.

Enterprise Europe Network Albania supports Albanian businesses to become more competitive and innovative in Europe. Our team of experienced specialists provides fast, pragmatic and relevant assistance on any European business matter. Our services are tailored to SMEs but are also available to all other businesses, universities and research centers.

What we can do for you?

  • Provide comprehensive business advice and research services, free-of- charge;
  • Assist businesses to expand overseas;
  • Put them in touch with potential business partners in European and World Markets;
  • Advise you on international trademarks and legal, intellectual property copyright, and financial issues;
  • Assist you profit from the opportunities that really are out there.

Information to enterprises regarding European issues

  • Finding business partners abroad
  • Information related to European programs, initiatives and funding instruments
  • Supporting entrepreneurship and internationalization of Albanian enterprises

Technology Innovation and transfer services

  • Information on intellectual property issues
  • Innovation and Technology Programs
  • Technology Transfer Brokerage services

Access to European Funding

  • Orientation on regarding funding opportunities
  • Finding partners for participation in research proposals
  • Support in preparing/submitting a proposal and project implementation

We are part of the Enterprise Europe Network, the world’s largest support network for SMEs with international ambitions, with 600 member organizations in over 60 countries.

For more information please visit www.een.ec.europa.eu or www.een.al

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