President Jaka at the Prizren Summit for Vocational Education and Training: We do not need rhetoric, our mission is to have qualified people to work everywhere

Kryetari Jaka në Samitin e Prizrenit për Arsimin dhe Aftësimin Profesional: Nuk na duhet retorika, misioni ynë është të kemi njerëz të kualifikuar që të punojnë kudo

President Jaka at the Prizren Summit for Vocational Education and Training: We do not need rhetoric, our mission is to have qualified people to work everywhere

The President of the Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Nikolin Jaka became part of the Vocational Education and Training Summit-VET Summit, which is being held in Prizren today, June 29, 2021.

As part of the discussion panel, the head of the Tirana Chamber stated, among other things, that “human resources must be qualified and work in Kosovo, Albania or Macedonia, and if we do not do this, then we do nothing but rhetoric and I would never want this extraordinary conference not to accomplish this mission.

“In the mission of every educational institution, the main challenge for the education of the younger generation is not only their professional and academic training, but their adaptation to the needs of the labor market,” he said.

“For us entrepreneurs, it is becoming more and more clear that the competitive advantage of a firm comes from entrepreneurial ability, managerial and technical knowledge. “Today in developed countries, knowledge-based industries are expanding rapidly, where the new technologies that are presented are conditioned by the increase in demand for employees with a high level of qualification”, stated Jaka.

For the chairman of CCIT, the private sector and their representatives, such as chambers of commerce and industry, have and should play a key role in vocational training, the development of training standards, the organization of training courses, etc.

The panel attended by the President of CCIT also included Arbërie Nagavci from the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of Kosovo, Jan-Axel Voss – Deputy Ambassador of Germany in Kosovo, Matthew Cullinane – USAID Private Sector Officer / Office of Kosovo Economic Development, US Embassy / USAID; Katrin Ochsenbein – Head of the Office of Economy and Employment, Embassy of Switzerland and Nebi Hoxha – President of the Chamber of Commerce of Northwest Macedonia.

This year’s edition of the VET Summit is organized by the Kosovo Producers Club and the Besa Foundation, supported by USAID Kosovo Compete Activity, ESVET PRO Project – European Union Support for Vocational Qualifications and Professions in VET, Enhancing Youth Employment – EYE Project, ALLED Project 2 and the Kosovo Challenge Fund and will continue tomorrow, June 30, 2021.

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