Trajnim: Marketingu Dixhital
Lektor: Z.Dritan Pecini
Data: 19-20 Shtator 2018
Orari:10:00- 14:00
Vendi: DHTIT
Marketingu Dixhital eshte programi me i vleresuar qe CCIT ofron per sipermarrjen. Nisur nga nevojat e komunitetit te biznesit dhe sugjerimet dhe kerkesat e pjesemarresve te ketij programi kete here ky trajnim vjen ndryshe duke trajtuar si fillim procesin e dixhitalizimit qe eshte duke ndodhur ose duhet te ndodh ne cdo kompani. Trajnimi do ti orientojë pjesëmarrësit se si te kuptojnë strategjite e marketingut dhe strategjite dixhitale, risite dhe teknikat e reja, si të analizojnë rezulatet e tij dhe si të dixhitalizojne produktin apo sherbimin, dhe si te arrijne tek klienti.
- Njohja me risite e marketingut
- Fazat e dixhitalizimit te kompanise
- Njohja me strategjite qe ndjekin kompani te ndryshme
- Perqendrimi ne strategjite qe do te aplikoni
Në këtë kurs mund të marrin pjesë menaxherë, administratorë të kompanive, ose specialiste te marketingut të cilët janë të interesuar për zhvillimin e aftesive strategjike ne komunikim dhe teknika te reja te marketingut online.
- Mirekuptim i strategjive te marketingut
- Dixhitalizimi i produktit
- Ndertim i nje plani te mirefillte, i cili funksionon ne baze te segmentimit te sakte te produkteve
- Strategjite e penetrimit te tregut online
- Funksionimi I rrjeteve sociale
- Ndertimi i kontentit per mediat online
- Qasja me klientin
Tarifa e pjesëmarrjes në trajnim është 80 Euro, ku përfshihen të gjitha materialet e punës dhe çertifikata në fund të trajnimit. Për anetarësine e DHTIT ky trajnim kushton 20% me pak nga vlera standarte.
LEKTOR: Z. Dritan Pecini
Dritan Pecini është specialist në fushën dixhitale. Ai është lindur në Tiranë, rritur në Athinë dhe ka kryer studimet në Melburn. Ai ka studiuar për Teknologji Informacioni dhe ka eksperienca të shumta në pozicione të ndryshme në industrinë dixhitale në Australi. Gjatë qëndrimit të tij në Melburn, Dritani ka zotëruar biznesin e tij dhe ka pasur bashkëpunime të suksesshme në fushën e Edukimit dhe Medias. Dritani ka punuar pranë DDB Albania dhe Montenegro ku ka drejtuar pjesën e strategjisë dixhitale për kompaninë dhe klientët e saj. Nderkohe qe tani ai drejton kompanine e tij.
PROGRAMI: (ky trajnim do te ofrohet shqip por duke qene se terminologjia dixhitale eshte ne anglisht si rrjedhoje permbajtja e moduleve eshte ne anglisht)
- Marketing Fundamentals
In this course, we give you a framework to help you organize and plan your approach. We also have examples of companies that are featured throughout the Digital Marketing scene as an example of how to apply what you learn in both B2C and B2B contexts.Key Topics
- The Digital Marketing Framework
- What: Your Business
- Who & When: Your Customer
- Where: Marketing Channels
- Why: Marketing Objectives & KPIs
- Content Strategy
Content is at the core of all marketing activity. In this course you learn how to plan your content marketing, how to develop content that works well for your target audience, and how to measure its impact.Key Topics
- Plan Your Content Strategy
- Create Content
- Distribute & Promote Content
- Optimize Website UX & Landing Pages
- Measure Impact
- Social Media Marketing (Organic)
Social Media is a powerful channel for marketers. In this course, you learn more about the main social media platforms, how to manage your social media presence, and how to create effective content for each platform.Key Topics
- Social Media Landscape
- Social Media Channels
- Social Media Content
- Implement & Monitor Campaigns
- Measure Impact
- Social Media Advertising (Paid)
Cutting through the noise in Social Media can be challenging, and often, marketers must use paid social media marketing strategies to amplify their message. In this course, you learn about the opportunities for targeted advertising in social media and how to execute advertising campaigns that resonate with your audience.Key Topics
- Intro to Social Media Advertising
- Platforms for Social Ads
- Facebook – Getting Started
- Facebook – Create Ad Sets
- Facebook – Create and Manage Ads
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engines are an essential part of the online experience. Learn how to optimize your search engine presence through on-site and off-site activities, including how to develop your target keyword list, optimize your website UX and design, and execute a link building campaignKey Topics
- How Search Works
- Keywords
- On-Site SEO: Optimize UX & Design
- Off-Site SEO: Link-building
- SEO Audit & Future of SEO
- Search Engine Marketing with AdWords (SEM)
Optimizing visibility in search engine results is an essential part of Digital Marketing. Reinforcing findability through Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is an effective tactic to achieve your marketing objectives. In this course, you learn how to create, execute, and optimize an effective ad campaign using AdWords by Google.Key Topics
- Adwords & Keyword Selection
- Create Text Ads
- CPC Bidding
- Navigate AdWords
- SEM Metrics & Optimization
- Display Advertising
Display advertising was the first form of advertising on the web. It’s still a powerful marketing tool, strengthened by new platforms like mobile, new video opportunities, and enhanced targeting. In this course, you learn how display advertising works, how it is bought and sold (including in a programmatic environment), and how to set up a display advertising campaign using Google’s AdWords.Key Topics
- How Do Display Ads Work?
- Display Ads & Targeting
- Sales Models
- Display Ads in AdWords
- Video Advertising
- Email Marketing
Email is an effective marketing channel, especially at the conversion and retention stage of the customer journey. In this course, you learn how to create an email marketing strategy, create and execute email campaigns, and measure the results.Key Topics
- Email List Generation
- Create an Effective Email Campaigns
- Create an Email Plan
- Measure Results
- Measure & Optimize with Google Analytics
Measurability is what makes Digital Marketing uniquely powerful. Actions online can be tracked, and so can the effect of your digital marketing and advertising efforts. In this course, you’ll learn how to use Google Analytics to evaluate your audience, measure the success of your acquisition, engagement efforts, evaluate your user’s conversions to your goals, and use those insights to plan and optimize your marketing budgets.Key Topics
- Get Oriented in Google Analytics
- Understand Your Audience
- Evaluate Acquisition
- Understand Behaviour
- Evaluate Conversions
- Optimize Campaign Budgets
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Kontakt: Ornela Sulce
Tel: +355 (0) 45 800 934