Nxitoni të aplikoni për edicionin e 10-të “Social Innovation Tournament”. Mund të jeni ju fituesi i çmimeve “tunduese”.

Nxitoni të aplikoni për edicionin e 10-të “Social Innovation Tournament”.  Mund të jeni ju fituesi i çmimeve “tunduese”.

Nxitoni të aplikoni për edicionin e 10-të “Social Innovation Tournament”. Mund të jeni ju fituesi i çmimeve “tunduese”.

Are you a passionate entrepreneur changing the world with your impact solution?

Do you have a promising idea or a project ready to be launched?

In the SIT 2021, 15 finalists will compete for a 1st prize of €75 000 and a

2nd prize of €30 000 in both the General and Special Categories.

Applications can cover any of the 17 SDGs.

This year, the Special Category Prize will focus on sustainable living.




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