Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in the framework of the ECO-NautiNET project, aims to assess the important territorial resources of the Sector of the Sea. The project will bring together the ADRION, Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) platforms from various territories, Research Institutes and Business Support Organizations, and will provide an approach to the Best Technologies Offered by Research Organizations to increase competitiveness and support their internationalization.


This cross-sectoral cooperation will guarantee the creation of new clusters among SMEs across all involved territories and the opportunity to make their products / services more innovative thanks to the cooperation with research institutes.


ECO-NautiNET project will make this possible through three innovative elements:

The training phase, which will be offered to SMEs before inclusion and presentation as members of the ECO-NautiNET Network. This training phase aims to achieve maximum impact and high impact in a short time, minimizing the time needed for an SME to get acquainted with network devices.


The new regional ECO-NautiNET joint management system, which includes three innovative figures: “facilitator”, “Network’s tutor” and “Network’s broker”:

“Facilitator” aims to play the role of “Ambassador” by convincing entrepreneurs and stakeholders about the advantages of networking, knowing and serving as a local benchmark for further developments after the project is completed.

“Supervisor” will support the implementation of the SME Network and will be responsible for training the latter. The supervisors will be trained and trained in relation to 3 main aspects:

Networking structures and formal assets in the countries involved;

Human resource management for networking, and methodologies and tools for strengthening engagement towards networks;Digital technologies that support network development.”Network’s Broker”, located in each Business Support Organization participating in the ECO-NautiNET network, will be responsible for ongoing international cooperation, working with other intermediaries in the Adriatic-Ionian area to concretizing or expanding the international network. Presentation of open training materials to facilitate the inclusion of other areas along the ECO-NautiNET network. To achieve this, all training material will be open (accessible) to everyone in electronic format, to allow third parties to be trained and participate in the network.


The main objectives of the project:

Improve the competitiveness and innovation of SMEs in the Maritime Sector, supporting their internationalization through the creation of new clusters and cooperation between SMEs across the Adriatic-Ionian area.

Specific Project Objectives:

  • Creating an innovative ADRION network dedicated to the Maritime Sector;
  • Increasing Research and Development of Blue Technology in the Maritime Sector;
  • Support for internationalization and innovation of SMEs.

Main project results: 

  • Effective and sustainable cooperation between SMEs and / or research institutes thanks to a common management system;Innovative products and services of SMEs;
  • Facilitating and supporting the internationalization of SMEs;Development, growth and enrichment of the network, thanks to the implementation of the signed agreement.In this framework please send us your CV and the request to become part of this project, in this address:

Project Manager: Albana Laknori


Phone + 35545800935

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