Italy, the 3rd Steering Committee Meeting and Management Board Meeting

The 3rd Steering Committee Meeting and Project Management Board Meeting and Mid-term Review Meeting of #DynaMob 2.0 project was held at the premises of the Municipal Bibliomediateca in Campobasso, Italy, on the 3rd and 4th October 2019. This meeting was organized and hosted by the Commune of Campobasso. The meeting aim was to discuss on project implementation, state of art of activities and deliverables.
The first day of the meeting, 3rd October, project managers and technical experts participated in the Steering Committee and Project Board Meeting. All Work Package (WP) Leaders presented the progress of the work in each WP. Project partners made updates on the work done and under progress, exchanged opinions and ideas, discussed questions, concerns, difficulties and suggested solutions or possible improvements to ensure the timely and good implementation of tasks.
After a careful analysis of the activities which had been implemented so far, the Steering Committee members decided to ask the Programme Joint Secretariat for an extension of the project duration.
The second day of the meeting in Campobasso, 4rth October was dedicated to the Mid-term Review Meeting where representatives of the Joint Secretariat attended. Project presentations were made by project managers and questions and answers followed the meeting. Decisions were taken.