Press release: SCOPE 2nd project meeting.

Njoftim per shtyp: Takimi i dyte i projektit SCOPE

Press release: SCOPE 2nd project meeting.

On November 25, 2020, the 2nd meeting of the Scope project (Shared freight transport services connecting shipper and carrier operations) took place between the partners.

The situation of covid-19 due to its restrictions has affected our work plan, activities and meetings that were planned to take place during this period.

The second meeting of this project could not be organized  face to face, but it was still best realized virtually on the GoToMeeting online platform.

The meeting was attended by project coordinator of Scope, Nastjana Dedo and respective representatives of all partners:

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas-Hellenic Institute of Transport – LEAD PARTNER


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Department of Civil Engineering

Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – BCCI

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana

Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy

Professionals’ Chamber of Thessaloniki

Regional Industrial Association – Smolyan

Smolyan Chamber of Commerce and Industry


The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of the project, the progress of activities and deliverables as well as to discuss the next steps.

The first part of this meeting was dedicated to the presentation of the work done and in progress, division of deadlines, exchange of views, schedules for the coming months. The discussion went further about the difficult situation in each partner’s country caused by Covid-19 and finding proper solutions to reach project objectives.

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