New instruments of recruiting- GRADUA platform

New instruments of recruiting- GRADUA platform

New instruments of recruiting- GRADUA platform

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tirana
20th of September 2019

On 20th of September we will organize the workshop “New instruments of recruiting- GRADUA platform” in the framework of Gradua project. Gradua will collaborate with Albanian universities by creating a platform of demand and offer for new graduates towards the business.

We invite to participate all specialists who work as HR in different companies, administrators, or specialists that work on recruitment teams.

The objective of this workshop building a skill set of managerial skills in the human resources field, operational knowledge, recruiting procedures and evaluation of the human resources with the latest techniques one of them is GRADUA, introducing this instrument that can facilitate them on the recruitment process. To achieve this vision we invite all applicants who are in the HR position or recruitment specialists.

The workshop will last for one intensive day, with total focus and fun at the same time. We invite you to join.

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