Jaka: Croatian business has real opportunities to sign cooperation contracts with our companies

Jaka: Biznesi kroat ka mundësi reale të lidhë kontrata bashkëpunimi me kompanitë tona

Jaka: Croatian business has real opportunities to sign cooperation contracts with our companies

It is held in Tirana the Albanian-Croatian Business Forum

Chamber of Commece and Industry of Tirana in cooperation with the Croatian Chamber of Economy held in Tirana on July 18, 2019 the business forum Albania-Croatia. The focus of this forum was the development and economic cooperation among both countries, with the participation of Albanian and Croatian companies.  The president of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana in his welcome speech made an open invitation for Croatian businesses to spread their investment portofolio by looking at the potentials that Albania has. “ The organization of this business mission is a real opportunity to find new routes for cooperation of entrepreneurs of both our countries ”, said Jaka in his word by adding that “the economic cooperation with Croatia plays an important role in bilateral and regional politics of Albania. Overall, we aim to have more intensified dialogues between our entrepreneurship by working toward common projects”. According to Mr. Jaka the figures of trade cooperation, despite the fact that have a positive trend, increasing year after year, are not in harmony with the excellent level of political cooperation, because we are not yet making use of the real potentials that exist between our countries. “ Croatia is one of the most important countries in the Balkans, because it is the axis that connects Tirana with Europe by land. We have all the opportunities and us, the entrepreneurs should work to intensify stronger trade and economic relations, mutual investments growth and intensification of the cooperation between Croation Chamber of Economy and CCIT, to undertake common activities and projects that serve to thegrowth of economic and trade cooperation”, said the chairman of Chamber of Tirana, mr. Jaka.

Minister of Finance and Economy, Anila Denaj, who was part of this forum, said that the potentials of the economic relations between the two countries are great and considered the Business Forum as the beginning of a fruitful and long-term cooperation, for which she expressed the commitment of MFE. The Minister presented to the participants some of the Albanian government’s policies for creating a better business environment, such as: regulatory reforms and business climate improvements that are in line with EU recommendations and principles of the OECD; the fiscal amenities Albania offers in some sectors of the economy, such as tourism, where VAT has been reduced from 20% to 6% for four and five-star hotels; the new draft of Unified Investment Law, which is being discussed to further improve the recommendations of the business community; as well as the Fiscalisation project, which will be completed in 2021 and aims to establish a better business climate, clear game rules and fair competition. Present at this forum were also deputy President of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Ivan Barbaric, Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts of Croatia, Darko Horvat, Minister for the Protection of Entrepreneurship, Eduard Shalsi, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Albania, Ms. Sanja Bujas-Juraga, Mrs Xhafaj, Deputy Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs and Mr. Genc Çeli, representative of AIDA and Mrs. Suzana Knezevic, president of the CIS division and CEFTA Chamber of Commerce of Croatia. During this meeting, the participating businesses were given the opportunity to meet their counterparts and to hold talks on possible cooperation opportunities in the future. About 21 Croatian companies of various sectors (oil and gas, real estates, catering equipment, food processing industry, professional clothing manufacturing, organic cosmetics etc) expressed their interest in cooperation with the Albanian companies. There were about 70 Albanian companies participants in this meeting that held B2B meetings with Croatian businesses.

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