Future 4.0 promoted during the workshop organized by Agency for Local Economic Development in Vlora

Projekti Future 4.0 prezantohet gjate workshopit organizuar nga Agjensia per Zhvillim Ekonomik Lokal/Vlore

Future 4.0 promoted during the workshop organized by Agency for Local Economic Development in Vlora

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tirana, as the 8th partner of the consortium implementing project Future 4.0, in cooperation with the Local Economic Development Agency, was engaged on April 25th, 2019, at the premises of Regina City Hotel Vlora in a promotion day of the Future 4.0 Project. This event, where CCIT staff joined the format intended by AULEDA, was aimed at informing and educating businesses about the activities of the Shipmentt project, led by AULEDA, but not without mentioning the role of CCIT in promoting results and supporting so far offered to all those entrepreneurs who aim to contribute to the development of the nautical sector, as well as the concrete outputs produced during last year of implementation.

The main objective of FUTURE 4.0 project is to design a shared strategy to innovate companies approach

to training through a special designed education in today’s digital age (Smart Learning Model).

The base for designing a suitable Industry 4.0 Smart Learning Model is using the known technique to help manage front part of innovation process (Technological Road-mapping) and using new strategic planning tools to help envision various futures and creating more vibrant organizations (Foresight tools) to be tested with Universities, companies, R&I actors and stakeholders in each territory applying Triple Helix Approach – the set of interactions between academia, industry and governments.

The results will be the foundation for designing of a knowledge, competence and skills training/learning

Hub – FUTURE 4.0 platform. The platform will be part of the above-mentioned Smart Learning Model and Strategy, implemented and validated through local pilot actions, encompasses effective industrial education and training for innovation, enhancing the University-Industry cooperation.

Participants in the meeting organized by the Local Economic Development Agency were informed, among all the other things, with the efforts of 9 partners from the Adriatic-Ionian region, including public institutions, private universities, universities and research centers,  in order to develop a common strategy for renewing enterprises through a special education in the Smart Learning Model for the development of the shipyard and shipbuilding sector, in particular with the expected activities that CCIT will implement in the forthcoming months of the project implementation.

Last but not least, as the main focus of the event was, were widely presented and shared the outputs produced by AULEDA, as the main organizer of the event and the partners that implement it, focusing on introducing industry scenarios and market development for the ADRION area with regard to blue technologies and especially the mobility and green navigation sector.

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