Invitation to participate in the workshop on: “BRE, a platform that serves as a tool for data analysis”
On March 28th, 2023, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana, Albania, will convene a workshop titled: “BRE Plus, an opportunity for data analysis: strategies, tools and operational modalities for the analysis of Albanian enterprises.”
Therefore, we are pleased to invite you to this activity that will be held regarding the BRE PLUS project, which is part of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro program.
While referring the special initiatives of BRE and the aim of this project to improve the internationalization of companies, in this meeting you will have the opportunity to be informed about the importance of national statistical data for the creation of a business register.
“Analysis of the investment climate in Albania – opportunities and challenges”, will be another topic of discussion.
The activity will take place at Onufri Hall, Hotel Tirana international, and will last from 09:45 to 16:30.
We would be honored if you could join.
For confirmations, please contact us by Sunday, March 26, at the address:
Below you’ll find the full agenda: