FINAL PUBLICATION, Interreg – Adrion project FUTURE 4.0

Publikimi përfundimtar Interreg – Adrion projekti FUTURE 4.0

FINAL PUBLICATION, Interreg – Adrion project FUTURE 4.0


The aim of this publication is to bring out and present the main results of the project from a scientific and an industrial policy perspective. Future 4.0 has been working for three years with a handful of ambitious objectives. In fact, the challenges brought about by the Fourth industrial revolution are at the very hearth of the project. The further developmental stage in the organisation and management of the entire value chain process involved in the manufacturing industry is radically changing even the concept of enterprise, since cyber-physical production systems are tearing down the boundaries between the real world and the virtual world. Adriatic-Ionian societies and economies are affected as well by this transformation, which has effects on production, intercompany relations, and human capital development.

To face this, and having as specific focus the shipyard & nautical logistic supply chain, the project intended to design an Industry 4.0 model to enhance shipyard competitiveness in Italy (Veneto & Apulia), Croatia, Greece and Albania; the envisaged model – that encompasses effective industrial education and training governance – aimed at supporting competent regional and national administrations in designing framework conditions for advanced manufacturing. Future 4.0 partnership is multi actor and includes public and private bodies, universities, business support organisations, HE institutions active in Industry 4.0.

Main expected outputs included the involvement of 105 companies (mostly SMEs) of the Blue economy in a knowledge and technology transfer tailored process and the production of tools and methods to facilitate smart industrial change in related areas. As a matter of fact, 132 enterprises were involved.

The project met its objectives and produced planned outcomes. Results are now addressed at Adriatic-Ionian companies, human capital developers, public administrations and knowledge producers. Involved regions shared the same challenges about the shipyard sector, as they faced the same transformations and the need for their productive systems to be more integrated. One of the most original outfits of the project is the combination of model design, learning actions, local action plans, profiles upskilling, within a topic – Industry 4.0 – which is brand new.

Full document publication is available in ENGLISH and ITALIAN language:

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