Organization of the Cluster event in Vlora, on 25th of April 2019, in collaboration with AULEDA Local development Agency of Vlora, and University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali, near Ionin sea, entitled “Strengthening Intellectual Property and technology transfer processes in green sea mobility sectors” , for the presentation and dissemination of project ECO-NautiNET to local and regional stakeholders from SMEs, Regional Bodies and Research universities, for the promotion and designation of all the projects related to Blue Growth, Blue Economy and involvement and participation of expertise speakers in the Nautical Sector and Blue Economy in order to inform , sensitize and motive all the relevant stakeholders of Nautical and Blue Sector towards networking and deepening of blue economy. In this framework the clustering event was presented by CCI Tirana ,as foreseen in the AF, for the promotion and dissemination of project EcoNautiNET and its specific purposes in relation to Nautical Sector in Albania, and how to be included in the new platform of Adrion Econautinet.