The outbreak of the COVID-19 demands a coordinated and proactive approach of all stakeholders to mitigate the trade implications in the CEFTA. The CEFTA Secretariat will regularly compile and disseminate information about the trade measures imposed as regards the COVID-19 and other relevant information, in order to support the CEFTA region.
CEFTA – Trade restrictions due to the COVID-19 – 1 April 2020
Measure: Ban of export of drugs and medical devices. Exceptionally, it can be authorized by the Minister of Health
Legal act: Order of the Minister of Health and Social Protection no.131 of 08.03.2020
No reported measures
Measures: Ban of export of medical devices and material needed for tackling Covid-19 crisis, unless authorized by Ministry of Health.
Legal Act: Government Decision 44-2147/I from 12 March 2020
Measure: Restriction on restriction of the export of wheat and meslin with the tariff codes 1001 19 00 00, 1001 91 90 00 and 1001 99 00 00 and flour from wheat or meslin with the tariff code 1101 00, until 30 April 2020.
Legal Act: Government Decision 44-2346/I from 19 March 2020
Measure: Restriction of exports of medical masks, medical gloves and biocidal products
Legal acts: Government Decision No 168 of 11.03.2020 on ban on export of some products
No reported measures
Measure: Ban of export of the following list of products: sunflower seeds and oil, beet, molasses, resulting,dried and raw bakers` yeast, soap and organic surface-active products and preparations for use as soap (excluding wet wipes for babies), washing preparations and cleaning preparations (excluding toilet bawls and dishwashertablets), plastic and rubber gloves, diapers, tissues, paper towels, masks, surgical clothing, sanitizers, alcohol, protection glasses, medicine (please consult links below for precise list of products)
Legal acts:
- Decision on temporary ban of essential products (28/2020, 33/2020, 37/2020, 39/2020, 43/20)
- Decision on ban of export of medicine (32/2020, 33/2020, 47/2020)
No reported measures
Situation on transport of goods and people are followed by Transport Community. The newest update can be found here: https://www.transport-community.org/covid-19-news/
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 (1999) and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
CEFTA – Trade restrictions due to the COVID-19 – 23 March 2020