CCIT concludes an agreement between its client and an European company

DhTIT viziton kompaninë AFM në zbatim të një plani këshillues për kompaninë

CCIT concludes an agreement between its client and an European company

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana implemented an advisory plan to its client AFM distribution company.

AFM Distribution Sh.p.k. ( )s a manufacturing firm that specializes in the production of top quality work wear garments primarily for consumption in the European market. During the pandemic situation, their raw materials needed for production of the work wear garments started to take a lot of time to arrive in the destination from China. This brought problems to the company by slowing down the work and also increasing the costs of transport and the cost of raw materials. (Because their main supplier in China also increased the prices.) The best solution was to find a foreign partner based in Europe. This would make possible that the products would arrive in a short time and with much lower price, reducing the transport costs. The partner being in the Europe offers this advantage for AFM company to order as much products as they need, by reducing their stock as well.  CCIT provided advisory service helping improving business model leading to internationalization and also legal services to its client consisting into the successful implementation of the EU regulations. After negotiations under CCIT supervision AFM signed a partnership agreement with the french company Societe Plymouth Francaise ( ). Now this company is the supplier of elastic bands. This agreement has a very positive impact in the Albanian company, not only because the quality is better, but their products are also earth-friendly, disposable and easy recycled. The cost of AFM company was also reduced by 5% after signing this partnership agreement. Now our client  has a significant and clearly demonstrable impetus to the competitiveness at European level, also is already having an improvement of its economic situation.

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