Call for Interest for External Expertise to assist in the implementation of the project for the implementation of the project “BRE”

Call for Interest for External Expertise to assist in the implementation of the project for the implementation of the project “BRE”

Subject: Call for Interest for External Expertise to assist in the implementation of the project for the implementation of the project “BRE” – ( 230) funded by the Cooperation Program Interreg IPA II CBC, ITALIA-ALBANIA-MONTENEGRO, 2014-2020 ″.


Project Reference: Interreg IPA CBC Italy – Albania – Montenegro 2014-2020 “BRE” / 1st call for standard project / code. 230 / Order No. 11 Prot., Date 09-04-2018


In the framework of the partnership in the project “BRE”, financed by the Cooperation Program Interreg IPA II CBC, ITALIA-ALBANIA-MONTENEGRO, 2014-2020 ″. and with code # 230, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tirana, announces the call for tenders for the external expertise needed within the project, as follows:

“External Expertise  for Info Point for Companies”


The full tender dossier is attached to this call and must contain:


  1. Tender instructions and contract notice
  2. Draft Agreement and Special Conditions with the relevant annexes
  3. General conditions for service contracts
  4. Terms of Reference
  5. Organization methodology
  6. CV of the tender applicant or Key Expert (including the model for submitting the list of experts and their CV)
  7. Budget (according to the given model)
  8. Forms and other supporting documents

Other information Other information:

  • Administrative compliance table
  • Evaluation Table
  • Tender application format

For more details on the tendering procedures followed, please refer to the PRAG models and its annexes which can be downloaded at the following address:

Application Procedures:

Applications must be in English and contain, a technical offer and a financial offer, which must be submitted in separate envelopes and contain a pair of documentation marked “Original” and a copy marked “Copy”.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications in a sealed envelope specifying:

  1. a) Address of the interested applicant;
  2. b) Reference code for the above mentioned tender procedure
  3. c) The words ‘Not to be opened before the tender-opening session’ and the equivalent of the phrase in Albanian “Do not open before the opening phase of the tender bids”
  4. d) Name of the interested company.

For the project “BRE“, at the following address:

Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tirana

Kavaja Street, Building 2. Entrance 2, Tirana 1001

Tel / Fax: Tel: +355 45 800 932


Applications are accepted until 14.05.2020, within 16:00. Only applications that arrive within this deadline will be considered.

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