Call for Interest for External Expertise to assist in the implementation of the project for the implementation of the project “BRE” – ( 230) funded by the Cooperation Program Interreg IPA II CBC, ITALIA-ALBANIA-MONTENEGRO, 2014-2020 ″
Project Reference: Interreg IPA CBC Italy – Albania – Montenegro 2014-2020 “BRE” / 1st call for standard project / code. 230 / Order No. 11 Prot., Date 09-04-2018
In the framework of the partnership in the project “BRE”, financed by the Cooperation Program Interreg IPA II CBC, ITALIA-ALBANIA-MONTENEGRO, 2014-2020 ″. and with code # 230, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tirana, announces the call for tenders for the external expertise needed within the project, as follows:
“ Purchase IT equipment to support the online platform management”
The full tender dossier is attached to this call and must contain:
- Tender instructions and contract notice
- Draft Agreement and Special Conditions with the relevant annexes
- General conditions for service contracts
- Terms of Reference
- Organization methodology
- CV of the tender applicant or Key Expert (including the model for submitting the list of experts and their CV)
- Budget (according to the given model)
- Forms and other supporting documents
Other information Other information:
- Administrative compliance table
- Evaluation Table
- Tender application format
For more details on the tendering procedures followed, please refer to the PRAG models and its annexes which can be downloaded at the following address:
Application Procedures:
Applications must be in English and contain, a technical offer and a financial offer, which must be submitted in separate envelopes and contain a pair of documentation marked “Original” and a copy marked “Copy”.
Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications in a sealed envelope specifying:
- a) Address of the interested applicant;
- b) Reference code for the above mentioned tender procedure
- c) The words ‘Not to be opened before the tender-opening session’ and the equivalent of the phrase in Albanian “Do not open before the opening phase of the tender bids”
- d) Name of the interested company.
For the project “BRE“, at the following address:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tirana
Kavaja Street, Building 2. Entrance 2, Tirana 1001
Tel / Fax: Tel: +355 45 800 932
Applications are accepted until 24.05.2021, within 16:00. Only applications that arrive within this deadline will be considered.